3D Printed VW badge for the Scirocco
Ah, the good old VW Scirocco MK2. You might have had a poster on your bedroom wall with one, or you just might enjoy the Synthwave look of this modern classic.

Nevertheless, now that you own one, you quickly figure out that parts are pretty damn hard to find. As did I. This came up when looking for a certain part number: 325853601. The front grill badge, emblem, logo, whatever you want to call it. Now, to be clear, this part is all over ebay, however, when adding shipping, it becomes a pretty damn expensive badge.
Out comes the 3d printer and the vernier calipers, and a couple of hours later I have a new badge for the Scirocco.

You can get the file here if you need it to replace your Golf, Scirocco, Jetta, etc MK2 badge:

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